Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Maryann & Jinjaah

Thank you for being my friend. My BFFL. My rock. Thank you for listening to me cry when I know you didn’t understand half of what I said. Thank you for trusting me to love your children. Thank you for listening to me complain. You are the reason that I still believe in friendship. You are the one. I am forever grateful for you. You have given me gift of beauty wrapped in three. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for never leaving me. Thank you for doing what you say you are going to do. You know me. Some of my favorite memories are with you. I appreciate you loving me for me, that can be tough. :0) I am a better person because of you. You make me want to be a better wife, mother and friend. Thank you for letting me watch what I want on TV, for watching my precious Hop even though he has Horrifying breathe. Thank you for not sleeping with my husband (that seems to be a trend of BFF’s) LOL and thank you for trusting me around yours. I have never seen my future were there is no you and I can not imagine my life with no you! You are the truth. If I had an all girl singing group I would never make you sing back-up all the time. Your an amazing woman, wife and mother. Thank you for being you. I love you more than all the memory on every computer in the entire world (including the memory cards)!!


  1. as i wipe the tears rolling down my cheeks......

    now i'll never be able to get away from you! ;0)

    love you more than infinity.

    you are the best bff ever!!

  2. im soo emotional reading this...how heart felt and beautiful! i yearn to have a friendship like you and maryann's one day. u all are so blessed. thanks for sharing gordon. jenkins :)

  3. Seriously Tiffany that was truly truly emotional for me to read as i know it was for u to write and i must say im here crying because in my opnion there is no better words u could have chosen to portray your gratitude your respect and your true comfort and heart felt (so heart felt) thanyous attributing to u and Maryanns friendship.. u know many people have lived a long time n died not knowing or feeling the true friendship that u 2 have shared and will continue to share..I have been enlightened tonight and for me this 'thankyou' and tribute to true friendship does make me yearn for something somewhere similar & special as this....sometimes a life time is not enuff...thanks for sharing this with us tiff...Ps: I dont know but this makes me wonder about expectations in friendships and whether our expectations should be communicated maybe they should and maybe ya post will open the door to more meaningful communication with what our expectations are......(sorry so long) JANAE

  4. What a wonderful tribute to friendship and sisterhood.
