Sunday, September 23, 2012

Today is the 23rd and I felt like writing but couldn't think of what I wanted to write so I picked 23 things people do not know about me... 

I am seriously a hopeless romantic.  Sappy love stories make me smile on the inside even if I look hard on the outside.

 I opened my car door and hit the car next to me by mistake and left a small mark...four days ago, and I am pretty sure I said “hello” to the woman whose car it was as she left the post office.

 When I say something, then walk away and hear laughing, I think people are laughing at me.

 There are people I am only nice to because I do not want to be alone.

 I do not like stupid conversations with stupid people.  It makes me extremely angry.

 I have been so exhausted in the morning that I secretly wish I would fall just so I do not have to keep running during PT (Phsyical Training for you civilians).

 I feel ashamed when I drink alcohol around my daughter, for some reason I feel like she is judging me.

 Sometimes when I am making lunch for myself, I do not want to because I do not feel like making lunch for anyone else.

 I am terrified that having a baby will change my marriage.

 I do not feel good about being part of a process that changes the future of a soldier forever.

 I HATE going to baby showers (I love you moms).

 If people around me are not happy it has a profound effect on me.

 I love little people so much because they are brutally honest and adult are usually liars.

 In some ways I feel like when Rev Williams spoke the words to us, “you will never be blessed”, it worked.

 I am so competitive at times I do not care who loses.

 I do not think my husband likes doing photo shoots with me.

 I have started about five books and haven’t finished reading any of them.

 I want to write music.

 I care about what happens to people, even if I cannot stand them.

 I think that people that post on Facebook, Twitter or any form of social media all day long are extremely annoying.

 I wish I had given birth to Mecca Gordon.

I have so many clothes that I look at pictures and do not know where  certain items are or even remember having them.

I am terrified about starting over again...


  1. "u will never be blessed..." So not cool or nice....i love u. U deserve all the blessings in the world!

  2. You hosted my baby shower and i love you a million times more now that i know you hate them. ;-)
    Thats what a BFF does.

  3. I love you both for always supporting me and having my back!! The Best BFF and BSF for life!!

  4. One thing most people don't know about me:

    I din't know twelve of these truths.
